* The Reporting Mark you searched for: LLIN was not found on this site
Perhaps you were looking for one of these?
- ALTX Alter Trading Co (Southern Illinois Railcar Co)
- ATCX Southern Illinois Railcar Incorporated
- BCRY Cando Contracting Limited (Barrie-Collingwood Railway)
- BDNX Baroid Drilling Fluids Incorporated
- BIRR Bellingham International Railroad LLC
- BSMX Bay State Milling Company
- CEI Chicago & Eastern Illinois
- CGIX Collingwood
- CHMX Southern Illinois Railcar Incorporated
- CIM Chicago And Illinois Midland
- CIPS Central Illinois Public Servicee
- CIRY Central Illinois Railroad Company
- CIW Chicago & Illinois Western
- EIRC Eastern Illinois Railroad Company
- FCMR Fort Collins Municipal Railway
- IC Illinois Central
- ICG Illinois Central Gulf
- ICGZ Illinois Central Railroad Company
- ICRZ Illinois Central Railroad Company
- ICZ Illinois Central
- IGMX Integrated Grain & Milling
- ILW Illinois Western Railroad
- IMRR Illinois Midland Railroad
- IN1 Illinois Northern
- IPLX Illinois Power Company
- IR Illinois Railnet
- IRYM Illinois Railway Museum
- ITAX Illinois Transit Assembly Incorporated
- ITC Illinois Terminal Railroad
- IW Illinois Western
- LLLX Louisiana Leasing Limited Of Illinois
- MI Missouri & Illinois
- MSMX Mid South Milling Company
- NIWX Northern Illinois & Wisconsin Railway
- NJII New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois
- PI Paducah and Illinois Railroad
- PNM Penny Newman Milling
- RKOX Rolling Steel LLC
- RLIX RailLink, Inc.
- SIRX Southern Illinois Railcar Company
- WLO Waterloo Railway Company (Illinois Central)